Member Benefits
Monthly newsletters
Monthly newsletters with information on the area, current fishing trips, members exploits and relevant information
Monthly newsletters
Fly tying classes and competitions in person and online. Fly fishing tuition hosted by guests and members with extensive expertise
Monthly newsletters
Up to 10% discount from Hunting & Fishing, Taupo Rod & Tackle, Trev Terry Marine and Sporting Life (some conditions may apply)
Monthly newsletters
Discounted entry fee to the Annual Trout Tournament
Bi-monthly club fishing competition to earn points to win the end of year trophy (see clubrooms for the latest board action)
Monthly newsletters
Affiliation to other NZ fishing clubs, many of which have restaurants and other facilities
Some tournaments require membership to an affiliated club, your membership fulfils this requirement
Monthly newsletters
Experienced Anglers who share their fishing trips and knowledge
Access to Taupo Fishing Club members page with loads of useful information and keeping in touch with other Members
Monthly newsletters
Thursday nights get together at clubrooms, drinks and chats about your fishing week 5.30-7pm approx. Cash bar only.
Availability to club weighmaster to certify your fish catches
Monthly newsletters
Free rat trap, Free drink at bar if you sign up a new member
Kids fishing lessons and tuition actively encouraging junior anglers
Monthly newsletters
Raffles weekly
Starter pack upon joining with various goodies such as a free clean check dry spray bottle, other club giveaways and key floater
Annual Subscription Plan
Semi Annual Subscription Plan : 1st January - 30th June
Semi Annual Subscription Plan : 1st July - 30th December
Taupo Fishing Club
For any enquiries please send us a message
President Graham Vowles
027 282 9013
Club Address: 37 A C Baths Ave, Taupo
Postal Address: PO Box 1735, Taupo 3351